Thursday, October 22, 2009

Short Stories

After reading the two short stories, The Lawsuit, and A Long-Term Plan, I felt a little unsettled. I actually didn't really like either of these stories very much.
The First was about how sa young man recieves a lawsuit from a woman who used to be married to his father. The first problem I had with this story is that I was completely confused by the fact that the wife was so fine that her husband was marrying a much younger, more beautiful wife. Secondly, the brother dying in prison for throwing a lamp at his father seemed quite dramatic, even for a story, and then his father dying from stroke, then his mother dying. One right after the other.
Also, I didn't need to hear about this old womans beauty in the past. Over. and over.
I guess there was a moral to the story though, I took it as a 'what-goes-around-comes-around" type of lesson. She married an older man, possibly for money, stole the family's fortune, and then went off, tried to do it again, but failed. Lesson learned - Karma sucks.
The second story, about an old man in his seventies who is so used to loafing off everybody, not working, and being poor, becomes an overnight millionaire. He meets with a lawyer and the guy who is buying his house, and tries to tell them what exactly he is going to spend all his money on. After recieving a new haircut, shave, and suit, he is put up in a nice hotel, then seems to eat his way into a coma. And then most likely dies.
Can anyone say Irony?
What a great example of irony. A man finally makes himself the money and security he needs to live the remainder of his life peacefully, and he dies from overindulgence. Classic.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel about everything happening at once, but I think that was bound to happen with this story because it was so short. Also I thought that because we heard so much about the young wife's beauty it was all the more satisfying when we learned that she is now fat and retained almost non of her youthful beauty.
